Om oss

Om oss

Vår historie

AllAgBots Nordic was founded in 2021 with the goal of being the link between farmers and manufacturers. The owners understood customers need for support, safety and service. Thus, AllAgBots Nordic was formed, quickly becoming the “key” for farmers and manufactueres. AllAgBots Nordic examines customers needs to offer the best product which can be customized for the customer to offer a great start.

AgBots Nordic er den fremste kilden for kunnskap, service og støtte innen autonomt jordbruk. De er ønsket forhandler for sine tekniske ferdigheter og rykte i landbruksindustrien. Selskapet har allerede flere leverandøravtaler.

+ 2

+ 4


+ 12

+ 60
År med erfaring

Møt oss

Hvem er vi

Torben Thorsen

CEO og grunnlegger

Owner of Thorsen-Teknik. Customers turn to Thorsen teknik for the best solutions. Torben has 45 years of technical and innovative expertise in the agriculture industry. 10 years of R&D in hydraulic devices, Canbus controls and gps technology, which gives him the capability to solve complex problems.